A time to Grow- Spring Newletter

Category Newsletter

It's been a long time since I had the pleasure of writing our newsletter! I took a break and others grew...

This would the ideal time to pose the question, how did you grow in 2023? If you're struggling to answer, it's possible that you didn't grow 🙈 or you may not have paused to assess your growth.

There's no time like the present ~ A motivational statement we hear often reminding us to seize the day, but we all know life gets in the way. The short lived highs quickly run into the routined rollercoaster ride of familiarity and too often complacency.

God, in His mastery gives us the opportunity to experience new days and new seasons. His desire for us is not to go through life in a repetition of complacency but to enjoy the adventure that comes with growth.

Every positive change can be a new route where the landscape is filled with opportunity. Opportunity to know better, do better and be better. The journey may be filled pushing through and pressing on but the continuous strides forward brings the sweet satisfaction of progress.

Growing takes us into the unknown, it's where we conquer our fears, it's where we see what we're capable of and where we marvel at the God given ability we have. It's the place we realize that with growth comes progress. Progress into more, progress into stretching ourselves to reach our dreams. We do not have to live a life of wishful thinking but one of all things possible.

It's time to grow, time to stop thinking about it, time to stop talking ourselves out of it and time to commit to grow.

Will it be easy? Probably not!

Will it bring a new dimension of joy and excitement? A resounding YES!

My challenge to all of us, is to GROW. When we grow, we make a difference.

In this season, I pray you grow and prosper (grow) in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (3 John 2) 

Author: Ingwe Property Group

Submitted 01 Sep 23 / Views 786